It is a well-known fact that Maki restaurant has, for many years, been a driving force in the culinary domain of the Middle East region. With inventive, signature dishes like Maki Maki, Oliver Temaki, Tara Maki and Tartufo Yaki Udon, there was very little that Maki’s guests could crave outside of Maki’s dining room.
Using exclusively prepared exotic ingredients, along with several proprietary secret sauces and cooking methods, Maki’s chefs have expended a decent amount of time and effort to come up with some of the iconic dishes which have inspired many other restaurant establishments. And so, came more recent dishes such as Dr. Samer Maki, Oliva Shake Maki, and Hotate Tomate Maki.
So what’s the next new ‘thing’ from Maki? Group Kitchen manager Adrian Sheddan tells us: “We are constantly looking for ways to include items on the menu that put a smile on our guests’ faces. Afterall, this is our main mission: to delight our guests! Hence, we have incorporated baos into our menu. As a contemporary Asian restaurant, it was only a matter of time before we added our own version of this staple dish to our menu.”
What is bao you ask? Originally called Bao-zi, it is simply a very soft bun made from flour, which is steamed and filled with a host of ingredients that range from lotus leaves to duck breast meat. With a texture and shape that are similar to dumplings, it is not strange to see that this once-upon-a time street-food item has turned into a delicacy that is served at some of the most prestigious restaurants in the world.
Maki’s version of this wonderful item has been presented in three varieties: braised short ribs, chicken with plum sauce, and tempura prawn. The braised short ribs bao is generously stuffed with warm, tender BBQ short ribs, yuzu BBQ sauce, lolo biando lettuce, and garnished with coriander. On the other hand, the prawn tempura bao is filled with crispy prawn tempura, avocado and cucumber, all drizzled with Maki’s special spicy sauce. Last, but not least, is the chicken plum bao which features Maki’s secret plum sauce and is garnished with greens.
To sink your teeth into the soft texture of one of these delicious menu additions, you just need to call 17 522-733, or go to and book your table.