You promised yourself you wouldn’t skip breakfast, but you’re hard-pressed for time most mornings of the week. It’s a common woe in today’s fast-paced world, leaving no scope to prepare a home-cooked meal. Even if there are leftovers sitting in the fridge, where’s the time to pack, or even grab a bite before you leave home every morning?
Health experts say it is extremely important to have a bite to eat within a couple of hours of waking up. Fuelling up well at the beginning of the day allows you to be more productive, have better focus, memory and a more pleasant outlook. Talabat, Bahrain’s premier online food ordering platform, is here to help you manage that. Just order in a healthy, fulfilling breakfast from the many available options on Talabat. Choose from a great mix of gourmet options that are guaranteed to please a range of tastes and budgets. Below are some of the top favourites on Talabat:
Go the Mediterranean Way
Yes, that’s right, you can enjoy pizza for breakfast! Florence La Maison Méditerranéenne serves this delicious Italian delicacy from 9am onwards. Bite into heavenly dough laden with succulent toppings to take your taste buds on a journey to the pleasantly sunny Mediterranean. Or, if you are one of those people who enjoys eggs in the mornings, give the outlet’s delicious Mediterranean Eggs a try. You definitely won’t be disappointed.
Classic French
In the mood for some French bread? Oui, oui! You will love Paul’s breakfast choices, from croissants to pain au chocolat, plus everyone’s top favourite – macarons, of course! It is recommended you store these in your fridge for a midday snack with your coffee. You can also order the outlet’s other well-known specialities such as crêpes, sandwiches, cakes, pastries and other heart-warming morning treats.
Local Love
Last but not least, you can’t go wrong with a timeless Bahraini breakfast. Go back to basics with Darseen’s classic local favourites, including Bahraini eggs and tomato, eaten best with salty Mahyawa bread. Darseen has fantastic options for groups, so be sure to invite your friends, family or office colleagues to join in for an unbeatable deal. After all, breakfast is best enjoyed with good company.
Ordering meals from Talabat is as simple as a few clicks of a button. Just specify your location, choose your dishes from your selected restaurant and place your order. You have the option to pay by cash or card on delivery. If you need inspiration, browse Talabat’s breakfast category and order the food that catches your fancy.
Visit or download the Talabat App on iOS and Android devices.