
Websites Review | April 2018

by Apple Sharma

Fri, 30 March 2018

Websites Review | April 2018

Rating: 5/5 

What is it?
This is a brilliant way to cure your boredom. This website lets you use Windows 93 on your browser as it was originally made, with all of the nostalgia bells and whistles you’d expect. 

The Good 
Anyone who grew up in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s will have a blast, with pretty much every piece of desktop software and games that were packaged with the system 25 years ago available here.

The Bad
Some of the icons do not seem to work when you click them, and others have been changed significantly from how they used to be, due to copyright issues. The site is also prone to freezing if more than a couple of items are open at once.

Chill the Lion is a cool CSS experiment. Once you are on this site the lion will follow your cursor which is actually transformed to your fan at this point. To start the fan, you can click and hold the left mouse button, now point the fan from any direction or distance towards the lion to chill him up. There are many other ways to interact with him too.

LiveATC provides live air traffic control information and broadcasts from air traffic control towers around the world. It’s fascinating to see how these people operate the most delicate of jobs and navigate thousands of planes safely at one time.