
Bahrain Animal Rescue Centre to host online concert

by BTM

Thu, 01 July 2021

Bahrain Animal Rescue Centre to host online concert

The Bahrain Animal Rescue Centre (BARC) is hosting an online concert on July 3 in support of the shelter! 

It will take place from 4-8pm and feature some of the top professional musicians in Bahrain and some of the most talented all over the world! 

This collaboration is truly unique as these professionals who earn a living through their music have offered to share their talent, time and effort for free and to entertain all in love and support of our furry friends. 

The whole event will run live on Facebook with no entry fee, no tickets, nothing! The centre is asking that if donations wish to be made, they can be through benefit pay or PayPal channels as a thank you to all the amazing musicians and to support the animals.

You can join the Facebook group by searching Music to the Rescue or follow this link: